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Garingal was found on 9th September 1973 (see the first newsletter). What better way to turn 50 than at the Garingal-organised State Championships on 9th September at Breakfast Creek just beyond Rylstone? The scenery is stunning, and the forest is fast running. What a hoot!

Plus, apart from the first of two Birthday Parties that will be held at the Globe Hotel on the Saturday night (another to be held in Sydney later on), there are several surprises coming! We hope you enjoy....


Back in May all high school aged orienteers around Australia were invited to nominate themselves for the All-Australian Invitational Development Team (AAIDT). The aim was to have them mix with similar-skilled juniors from around Australia and stay with their State Teams during the Australian Championships Carnival to benefit from the atmosphere, the skills training, and camaraderie. It is thereby hoped to groom the next generation of State Team members into the mindset of aiming for 'a cut above'. One of the mothers reports her child has been greatly motivated to up-skill and train better since living-in with the official NSW State Team because they now know what they have to do to get to the next level.

Congratulations to Nick Stanley and Kieran Joseph who were both selected for the AAIDT. A cool shirt design identifies these up and coming, perhaps one day elite, orienteers.


There were three NSW juniors from Garingal, Eszter Kocsik, Lilja Lehtonen and Cooper Horley, selected for the 2022 Australian Honours team at the conclusion of the Aus Schools Championships this year near Daylesford in Victoria. The Aus Schools Champs sees each of the state teams vie for 'best in Australia'. But to recognise good performances by individuals, an Honour Roll is announced at the end. Hearty congratulations Eszter, Lilja and Cooper !!

To be eligible for this honour, not only must each student have been selected to represent their state, they then must be one of only THE 4 chosen from each of the four age groups (junior girls, junior boys, senior girls, senior boys). Each of NSW, Qld, Vic, SA/NT, WA, Tas and ACT are able to send a team of up to five students to compete in each of the age groups. So, the competition was huge! Again, well done Eszter, Lilja and Cooper!

Go the girls in blue! Photo Steph Nicholls.

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