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Held on Saturday 12th February (when people can fit it into their busy schedules!) at the farm home of Ron and Barbara Junghans. Twenty-seven members of Garingal braved the inclement weather to chat, eat, chat, eat, and learn who had success for O-performance during 2021. The BYO-everything concept worked really well in light of covid considerations, and made hosting the function a breeze.

It was really nice to see the juniors getting to know each other better. And our current club Secretary, Mark Lusher, and former Secretary Rod Eckels, appeared to be having a good chin wag.

An O-activity was offered which involved taking the orienteering map of the Christmas Tree Farm and enumerating the map corrections required. The discussion that ensued was quite enlightening: most of all, what sort of map should it be? A bush map, or a sprint map?


Like other oriente

Like other orienteering events at the moment, David Stitt’s Moonlight Madness event at Artarmon Park had to be postponed. However, with a little help from friends, David has made his course available using Maprun to everyone who lives less than 10km of Artarmon – and everyone else after the lockdown ends. You can do the score course by either daylight or moonlight!

Used MapRun before? Click here for the map and start location. New to MapRun? Click here for how to get started with Maprun.


At the Garingal's 2020 Christmas Party - held this afternoon at Manly Dam - the 2020 Garingal Awards were announced. The Perpetual Trophy for the 'Most Improved Junior in 2020' was awarded to Riley Grainger. The Junior Encouragement Award Medal went to Kieran Joseph. The Silver Hare perpetual trophy was awarded to Warwick Selby for running our events calendar for several years now (over a dozen non-SSS events per year that he finds the Course Planner, often also an Organiser, and a Controller - no mean feat). The Silver Hare was donated four decades ago by Garingal member Moira Whiteside who believed that the people behind the scenes contributing to the organisation of events should be recognised too. The list of awardees on the base of the Silver Hare is a veritable Who's Who of Garingalites. Photos L to R: Warwick Selby, Kieran Joseph, Riley Grainger.

Footnote: The awarding of the overall Garingal Champion for 2020 has been held over until after the results of the 2020 NSW Middle and Long Championships being held at Eugowra the week after Easter are known. This way the profile of Garingal events that count toward the Club Championships will better represent the typical nature of orienteering across a year (distorted of course by the coronavirus situation).

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