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GO Christmas Party and Annual Presentations

Held on Saturday 12th February (when people can fit it into their busy schedules!) at the farm home of Ron and Barbara Junghans. Twenty-seven members of Garingal braved the inclement weather to chat, eat, chat, eat, and learn who had success for O-performance during 2021. The BYO-everything concept worked really well in light of covid considerations, and made hosting the function a breeze.

It was really nice to see the juniors getting to know each other better. And our current club Secretary, Mark Lusher, and former Secretary Rod Eckels, appeared to be having a good chin wag.

An O-activity was offered which involved taking the orienteering map of the Christmas Tree Farm and enumerating the map corrections required. The discussion that ensued was quite enlightening: most of all, what sort of map should it be? A bush map, or a sprint map?



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